Experiments Reading Group


Gerber, A. S., & Rogers, T. (2009). Descriptive social norms and motivation to vote: Everybody's voting and so should you. The Journal of Politics, 71(1), 178-191.


Coppock, A., Hill, S. J., & Vavreck, L. (2020). The small effects of political advertising are small regardless of context, message, sender, or receiver: Evidence from 59 real-time randomized experiments. Science advances, 6(36), eabc4046.

Research Design Presentation by John Kennedy: It’s All in the Delivery: Comparing Modern Disinformation Format


Fernandez-Vazquez, P., & Theodoridis, A. G. (2020). Believe it or not? Partisanship, preferences, and the credibility of campaign promises. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 7(2), 137-149.


Bayes, R., Druckman, J. N., Goods, A., & Molden, D. C. (2020). When and How Different Motives Can Drive Motivated Political Reasoning. Political Psychology.